Written by Dr. Heather Penny
Each of us holds vast reservoirs of clarity, confidence and courage within us–we just need to learn how to access it. Increasing your Clarity, building your Confidence and engaging your Courage is the 3C Living and Leading Coaching Model. Join the discussion as we talk about how to build your Confidence.
Snowballs & Confidence
Now that you have your clarity, let’s look at the second C in 3C Living – Confidence. I’m excited to introduce the idea of the Belief Snowball. What we believe tends to multiply over time, just like a rolling ball of snow. It gathers momentum as it grows and before we know it, it can be the world’s biggest snowman (positive), or it can start an avalanche (negative). The same happens with our beliefs.
Imagine you accept a lie about yourself, and as a result, you act a certain way. I was told by a coach when I was young that I was a terrible softball player. As a result of that coach’s words, I lost hope that I had any athletic ability. The next year, another coach saw me throw a ball and commented that I had quite an arm on me, but I needed some guidance. He asked me if I was willing to learn.
Sometimes when we believe a lie about ourselves – a False Belief – it can influence our actions. In this case, I’m so grateful to my younger self for being brave enough to agree to some additional coaching because I went on to be a pitcher for my school’s softball team, and we won the state championship.
Many times our False Beliefs hold us back. So, what do our beliefs have to do with Confidence?
Our beliefs determine our level of confidence.
What we believe will either grow or shrink our confidence. A False Belief will keep us stuck, will be harmful, and will disconnect us from our true selves. Conversely, a True Belief will move us forward, will help us connect to our true selves, and will bring us peace, freedom, joy, or love.
Let’s look at an example –
False Belief: I’ll never make money doing what I love.
True Belief: I get to trust that I can do what I love and money will follow.
Here’s another one that comes up a lot –
False Belief: If I need someone, I’m failing as a leader.
True Belief: Great leadership invites in trusted advisors.
These lies can quickly snowball in our lives, so it’s important to see the true interpretations right after.
Exposure to the light helps melt the False Beliefs.
I’m cheering you on as you begin exposing False Beliefs to light to see True Beliefs that will build your confidence.
Join us next time as we talk about engaging your Confidence.
To learn more, read Dr. Heather Penny’s last article on the #1 Tool to Increase Clarity.
Grace Space is the first book in the “3C Living and Leading” series.
Learn more about 3C living and leading with Dr. Heather Penny at: www.heatherpenny.com
Sign up for the Grace Space interactive learning event with AGM, taking place every Tuesday this September.

Listen to AGM CEO, Jennifer Morton, talk with Dr. Heather Penny about grace in leadership on her podcast “The Life You’re Made For.”
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